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  • Writer's pictureKelly Shrehorn

5 Questions With ... Amanda West

Introducing Amanda West : A Devon-based Illustrator and Designer bringing vibrancy to sustainable homewares

Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Devon, Amanda West is not just an illustrator and designer, she's a purveyor of vibrancy and sustainability. Her creations grace pieces crafted from eco-conscious materials right here in England.

From fine art prints to cushions, elegant lampshades to inviting throws and rugs, Amanda's designs breathe colour and vibrancy into an array of homewares.

Join me as I delve into the world of Amanda West, as this week blog guest on 5 questions with ....

1 : How did you start your design career, what is your background ?

After being employed in the banking sector and then local government for twenty years, I yearned to do something more creative. So, when my eldest started high school I decided to enrol on a BA Hons Degree in Illustration at Arts University Plymouth. After graduating in 2018 I attended New Designers in London with a few other students from the course and a few months afterwards a couple of pieces of my work were also exhibited at London Design Fair.

In January 2019 I was selected to exhibit at 'Spotted' (which showcases new and emerging designers) at Top Drawer, London and that's when my career really took off.

2 : What inspires your designs?

I am mainly inspired by florals, their delicacy, their abundance of colour and shapes. I also love the vivid colour palettes used in many Asian kimonos.

3 : In your career what has been your proudest moment?

I would say my proudest moment was being featured in the London Evening Standard : Homes & Property by Barbara Chandler. It was a huge, defining moment for me. I literally had to pinch myself.

4 : Is there a project you would really love to do?

I would really love to see my wallpapers or murals used in a commercial building or hotel. I think that would be a 'Wow' moment.

5 : And finally if you weren't an illustrator and designer, what would you be instead?

I absolutely love creating with my hands, and I used to have a little hobby page making and selling (air dry) clay trinket dishes. So, maybe pottery, I think that's something I would love.

A huge thank you to Amanda for being this weeks 5 Questions With.

Please take a look at Amanda’s website which you can find here and you can also follow on Instagram here

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