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  • Writer's pictureKelly Shrehorn

5 Questions With ... Larissa Great-Rex

Back in February I went to a lovely Maximalism Masterclass with Designer Sophie Robinson, which is where I met the equally lovely Larissa. We chatted interiors and swapped details and I knew I had to interview her for my 5 Questions with…

Larissa’s work has featured in Vogue and also appears on TV’s Money For Nothing series.

With over two decades of Creative Industry experience Visual Design, Fashion, Styling, Photography and Retail Concepts, Larissa has her own Interior Design Studio based in Ancoats, Manchester. Larissa Great-Rex Design.

Larissa says “Now also a skilled Upholsterer and

Furniture Designer I create luxury one of a kind pieces of couture furniture, inspired by fashion and made with the intention to be planet conscious. I breath new life into pre-loved items, reimagining them beyond their former beauty into objects of stylish elegance. Both my furniture designs and Interiors have been featured in British Vogue and House &

Garden magazines.”

Join me as I delve into the world of Larissa Great-Rex, as this week blog guest on 5 questions with ....

1:How did you start your design career, what is your background ?

My first steps into the creative industry was an intern at a fashion magazine as a fashion assistant - so I basically hung out in the fashion cupboard with all of the amazing items, assisted on shoots and did a lot of steaming - it was so much fun. My first class degree is in Fashion Styling and Image Making, after graduating I worked for over 15 years in the fashion industry, across the UK and globally for several well know brands, this included window scheme design, store design and visual experience. I opened my own design studio in 2021 and launched Larissa Great-Rex Design - an interior design and creative upholstery studio. I’m also an artisan designer on BBC TV Money for Nothing saving items from the UK's recycling centre.

2: What inspires your designs?

A lot of my designs are based around fashion and catwalk influences - I love to create colourful shapes and strong silhouette in furniture just as I would in fashion images, that really drives the concepts I work on. My interior design reflect more of a monochromatic stance with strong statements in pattern and print, building print upon print is definitely key to my signature. 

3: In your career what has been your proudest moment?

I've had lots of proud moments in my creative career - but I think running my own design studio is the highlight for sure. 

4: Is there a project you would really love to do?

Anything in Hollywood… 

5: If you weren't a designer and upholstery genius, what would you do instead?

I'd always want to do something creative and definitely with my hands, I think hairdressing is such a creative career - if I had to pivot into something else it would be creative hairdressing, catwalk hair would be really cool. The hair and make up teams make such an impact on the show - it would be great to be part of that.

A huge thank you to Larissa for her time.

Please have a look at Larissa’s website which you can find here

And inspiring Instagram here

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